Interpreting & Leveraging the Value of Your Assets as a CEO

Interpreting & Leveraging the Value of Your Assets as a CEO

Business Wire News Releases Research and Markets  has announced the addition of the “Interpreting & Leveraging the Value of Your Assets as a CEO” audio conference to their offering.

In Interpreting & Leveraging the Value of Your Assets as a CEO, ExecSense examines the most effective techniques that CEOs can use to determine the value of their company’s individual assets as well as how to take advantage of these assets in the current economy. Take the 60 minutes to view this webinar (on your computer, mobile phone, iPad, Kindle or printed out) to update your knowledge on the most up-to-date asset valuation methodologies and learn which types of assets are deemed most valuable so that you can understand the impact when pursuing growth strategies, new capital expenditures, raising any type of capital or financing, or any other situation where you can capitalize on the value of specific assets.

Upon ordering, ExecSense will email you a link to download the webinar files for viewing on your computer, mobile phone, iPod, iPad, Kindle or printed out. The downloaded files will include the PowerPoint presentation, audio narration and jpeg images of the slides (for watching on your mobile media device). Take advantage of your next commute, flight, business trip, lunch, or free hour in your schedule to view this webinar.

The webinar is led by an expert on CEO best practices for valuing a company’s assets, Peter Aronstam (Partner, B2B CFO Partners), and focuses on:

  • Everything you need to know in 60 minutes about how to determine the value of your company’s individual assets in the current economy and how to capitalize on this knowledge when considering growth strategies, capital expenditures, financing, a key partnership, selling an asset, or any other significant event or opportunity to leverage their value
  • A look at different types of assets that can be the most valuable, including customer databases, equipment, proprietary knowledge, key contracts, patents and trademarks, web site URLs, real estate, social media followers, custom systems or software your company has developed, key personnel, and many more – and how to value each type of asset
  •  The 10 questions most asked by CEOs about valuing their assets, different valuation techniques, and the different ways to leverage key assets
  • Case studies of how other CEOs have interpreted and leveraged their assets, how they have used these assets to their advantage in numerous types of situations, and important lessons learned that you can immediately use to take advantage of your company’s most valuable assets